Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here. Who am I? Is it who I should be?
The Gift
It is the fear in his eyes that makes my heart beat faster. It is the nervous hitch in his breath that quickens mine, it is sensing that he is afraid that makes saliva rise under my tongue. But it is one thing more… The keystone in the dam that keeps it all this side of insane.
Quote of the Day – August 2, 2012
Aww! Why do my actions have consequences?? ~Homer Simpson
He catches his lip between his teeth and holds it lightly as he turns his head, brushing his cheek against the black leather surface of the bench. I let the cane come to rest, lightly this time, against his skin, so pale but for a single, pink stripe, rapidly darkening to crimson.
A Letter
Hey you, I know I haven’t been around much lately and I… I feel like our relationship has changed. It just seems as if we’re drifting apart. We hardly spend any time together anymore. And it’s not you, really, it’s me.
Write or DIE!
I found this new (to me) writing tool that is actually giving me some hope for getting back into doing warm-ups/free writes/writing exercises. A friend of mine just introduced me to it and I have downloaded its desktop version. It is a program which times you as you write, allows you to set time and word count goals, plays a truly obnoxious alarm if you cease typing for a given number of seconds…
Quote of the Day – August 1, 2012
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding… And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy. ~Khalil Gibran
hello world
Yeah, I’m leading with my geeky side. Figure I’ll get it out of the way before anyone raises their expectations or anything… So… third try at writing a blog. Maybe it will stick this time. I’m trying to grasp this concept that this is all about ME. I’m so ingrained to make everything about everyone else, it’s very strange to try to do something “selfish” but I’m giving it a shot, and I’m hoping that it will translate to my creativity which is completely stymied at the moment in a bog of “other people’s expectations” all of which I, myself, have inserted into my head. I imagine I will attempt…