
  • Plans

    K and J had to go home… I am on my own.  My doctor thinks I will be okay as long as I start eating and sleeping.  If I don’t my brain won’t be able to fight back from anything.  I have to make a plan to make it all work for myself.

  • Little Lion Man – Video

    Depression has crept in on little cat feet.  This song was on the radio this afternoon as we were driving.  Don’t read too much into the lyrics, they didn’t speak to me for any specific reason, just on a sympathetic angst and poetic level.  I also love the music. And their accents are dead sexy.  Not that sexiness is having much luck penetrating the darkness right now.

  • Dog Days

    I walk out past the barn, past the sheds, and through the gap in the fence that is old, twisted barbed wire to my left, and old wood plank to my right. Grasshoppers leap up and out of the path of my feet, an unending cascade of dust-brown bodies parting like waves before me. Out of the cascade every so often, one takes flight, bursting from a tight bullet body to a frenzy of black, yellow-tipped wings.

  • hello world

    Yeah, I’m leading with my geeky side.  Figure I’ll get it out of the way before anyone raises their expectations or anything… So… third try at writing a blog.  Maybe it will stick this time.  I’m trying to grasp this concept that this is all about ME.  I’m so ingrained to make everything about everyone else, it’s very strange to try to do something “selfish” but I’m giving it a shot, and I’m hoping that it will translate to my creativity which is completely stymied at the moment in a bog of “other people’s expectations” all of which I, myself, have inserted into my head. I imagine I will attempt…