Facebook Famous
No. Not at all. Really.
But I do have a Facebook presence now. I had to get creative to get Facebook to accept a name that isn’t mine (I know, you were going to get all excited for a minute there… BWAH HA HA! None shall know me!)
Um, ironically, the three people who actually read this blog all know me in real life, so… That’s… Yeah.
Anyway, if you don’t know me and you’d like to follow my Facebook page. You’re welcome to. It won’t be safe for work. It will probably blog updates (so if you already get those, you don’t have to get too excited) and memes, and little tidbits of my life that I can’t share on my “real” Facebook page, but which are too short for me to feel like I can justify a full blog post on them. This, of course, means that unless you are incredibly open or don’t care what people think (I’m jealous of you…) you probably don’t want to like/friend/follow this identity, as your friends might then see things that would cause uncomfortable conversations (or just silently pretending not to see anything if your family/friends are that type…)
But if you’d like to follow/friend, my name on Facebook is Shadoh Skygge.