God Fever

Just believe in God, Shadow.  Who wouldn’t want to get right with the Almighty, Shadow?  Everybody should believe in God, Shadow.  God is perfect and love and light, Shadow.  You are a nonbeliever, you are darkness and lawlessness, but it’s okay, Shadow, God still loves you, you just have to get on your knees and pray to him with us, Shadow.  All your problems are really your own fault because you don’t love God, Shadow…  And when I say your name, Shadow, you should in no way construe that as me talking to YOU, Shadow.  I’m just talking about my own life, Shadow, and if you were so silly as to think that me using your name like this, Shadow, is any indication that this message is in any way directed towards you, Shadow, well then you’re just crazy and delusional, Shadow.  You should get on your knees and pray, Shadow, pray with us, Shadow, pray the Sinner’s Prayer with us, Shadow, and God will take you into the fold, the air will be electric with the absolute truth that you are just denying, Shadow.  God loves you, Shadow.  Even if we treat you like dirt on our shoes, Shadow, even if we betray you and call you insane for the things we do to you, it’s okay and we’ll blame you for being the one in the wrong. You are just a heathen non-believer, Shadow.  What?  How can you possibly be upset about that, Shadow?  You’re totally taking it all wrong, Shadow.   You’re so paranoid, Shadow.  No wonder you can’t keep a relationship, Shadow.  But don’t take it the wrong way, Shadow…  Nobody is talking to YOU.


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