
K and J had to go home… I am on my own.  My doctor thinks I will be okay as long as I start eating and sleeping.  If I don’t my brain won’t be able to fight back from anything.  I have to make a plan to make it all work for myself.

I have another appointment tomorrow.  My homework is to eat several meals before tomorrow.  That seems an insurmountable duty, like swimming across the ocean… before tomorrow.  I have to sleep, too.  Sleep is sad and lonely and I don’t want to do it.  It is like dying.  I put it off until I can’t possibly anymore and then I rest lightly and wake up as soon as I can.  You’d think I’d be more amenable to something that felt like dying, but dying’s appeal is in the escape, final and permanent.  Sleep is a liar, its escape is imperfect and temporary.

I’m supposed to stay away from M and R, too.  I don’t know why they have to be capable of great kindness, and love… it would be easier if they weren’t, if they were only bad.  But they’re not.  They’re not even any bad, they are broken and sick.  Both of them.  Just in different ways.  It makes me very sad because they are good inside them.  But their broken parts break me.

I am afraid that I don’t deserve someone who is good and not broken.  I’m not sure such a thing exists… maybe the greatest good only comes in people with the greatest brokenness because otherwise it would be out of balance.  Maybe I have to settle for gray, middle of the road, not wonderful, not terrible, flat and safe…

I’m not supposed to write much more in this blog today.  I am supposed to focus on food and sleep and homework only.




  • M. Date

    The first time we break, it’s always miserable and scary. I am wary of those who have not broken at least once by the time they hit their 30’s. I keep wondering how they will handle the first time. Those of who have broken and repaired ourselves many times? We know what to expect from breaking. We know how to learn from it. We know that, as hard as it may be to accept at the time, we will come out of it better people.

    There are always those who break and stay broken. We just have to be careful not to surrender to that fate.

    You are fighting. You’re a fighter. You’ll be repaired before you know it. I recommend duct tape. It’ll fix just about anything.

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