• Obligations

    I got an email this week… from the archivist at a spanking story website…  They want to post my old F/M writing that I’ve taken off the web. 

  • Untitled – Snippet – August 9, 2012

    I  studied his face.  His eyes were bright in the guttering candlelight.  His pupils were wide, pushing out all color to their coal blackness.  His skin was faintly darkened by sun and wind-roughened along high cheekbones.  Although his face was lean and worn by years, it maintained an impish hint of youth. 

  • Need

    He catches his lip between his teeth and holds it lightly as he turns his head, brushing his cheek against the black leather surface of the bench. I let the cane come to rest, lightly this time, against his skin, so pale but for a single, pink stripe, rapidly darkening to crimson.