Together Again

The guys are back home again.  They have been in and out in the last two weeks.  It’s been weird, like… we had some time together for a few days before Christmas, then they went to California to be with Sir’s family, then they came back after Christmas for a few days before New Year’s, then they went skiing for a couple days over New Year holiday.  Then they were back for a couple days, then they went skiing again.

It’s nice because they connected with some people who have a condo so they can afford to go skiing a little more and Sir has been able to take some time off work, which is good for him – work has been really rocky lately I think.

But, it’s left me feeling a little disrupted to have them gone – and having my mom stay with me on and off over the holidays, and family visiting, and the guys being in and out… And, of course, I haven’t been working… and all of that adds up to just feeling like things haven’t been “normal” around here.

But I go back to work on Monday, the guys are back home now for a while, and things are feeling more normal again.  I made a nice dinner today, we had shrimp and kale and potatoes (for the boys who aren’t on stupid keto) and we made French sodas (with stevia soda and coconut creamer).  And now we’re watching Red Dwarf (the British TV show).

And life just feels… like it’s getting back to normal…

And of course, normal means anxiety.  I need to prep lessons for the week tomorrow.  I’ve done really well at not doing any school work all break, but now I have to get some things done so I’m ready for the week.  So I’m fighting general anxiety all the time.  But the guys are here, so… maybe that makes everything more livable.


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