Being Sick with Sir…

So… I managed to get a summer pneumonia, how stupid is that?  Sir took today off work to stay home and take care of me, which is sweet, as long as I don’t punch him… Sir and I have a “to-do” list put together on Todoist (good program, I recommend it) that both he and I have access to on our phones and I get the tasks done each day so that I don’t completely lose my mind having no structure during summer break.

This morning I look at my phone and the day is BLANK!  Now, there are repeating tasks that automatically show up every day, about five of them, and then he adds about five tasks from my general “need to get done sometime soon” list to be done on that day.  It is never BLANK!

I complained to Sir.  He pointed out that I have pneumonia and said get back in bed.  I pointed out that it’s WALKING pneumonia, so I’m allowed to walk around.  He got snarly.  I pointed out that I couldn’t have a whole day with nothing on my list, I’ll go crazy, even if I’m sick…

His response…






One Comment

  • Adele

    I like your Sir. 🙂

    Hmm . . . I’m not seeing “Write a blog post” on your To Do list, but I guess you squeezed it in between “Fluids and Meds” and “Read” so that’s OK. I *suppose*. 😉

    Feel better soon!


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