Book Review – The Passage

The passage The passage: a novelJustin Cronin; Ballantine Books 2011WorldCat•LibraryThing•Google Books•BookFinder

A government experiment with a virus that causes human mutation goes wrong.  A hundred years later, humanity survives only in isolated, defensive pockets holding back the “virals” and its last hope is a little girl who was the government’s final experiment.

I find this book face-paced, interesting, and entertaining.  The book spans a century and so some characters come and go quickly over the course of the story, yet despite the danger of losing the reader’s interest in being introduced to new characters and settings mid-story, I found that the characterization was handled well enough that my interest didn’t flag and I quickly became engaged in each new character’s story.  The writing is tight and effective.  The storyline is self-propelling. The characters are interesting.  Overall good read (but long…and heavy if you’re reading in bed and fall asleep and drop it on your face.  Not like I would EVER do that!)


One Comment

  • Em

    This comment doesn’t really belong here. But I’m sorry. If I did or said anything that made things worse for you. I feel conceited for feeling like that’s even possible. But if it is, I’m sorry.

    Please email me if you want to talk. Otherwise, I hope to see you around soon and I hope things get much better for you.

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