
  • Facebook Famous

    No. Not at all. Really. But I do have a Facebook presence now. I had to get creative to get Facebook to accept a name that isn’t mine (I know, you were going to get all excited for a minute there… BWAH HA HA! None shall know me!) Um, ironically, the three people who actually read this blog all know me in real life, so… That’s… Yeah. Anyway, if you don’t know me and you’d like to follow my Facebook page. You’re welcome to. It won’t be safe for work. It will probably blog updates (so if you already get those, you don’t have to get too excited) and memes,…

  • Moving Day!

    Since Christmas is coming and I’m already broke, I decided to spend money I don’t have to get better paid hosting (I don’t want to pay for another year of WordPress.com crappiness…) I’m super responsible. I’m not sure why the guys are still with me. It’s been that kind of a month.  Already. Anyway, WordPress tells me that if you are an email subscriber, you should continue to get updates via email as I migrated your subscription to the new site (fingers crossed!).  If you follow me through WordPress.com, apparently updates will still show up in your reader, but not in your email, so you will need to resubscribe at…

  • Toxicity

    **** I wrote this in 2012.  It’s been in a drafts folder.  I don’t feel like tweaking it, I’m just going to post it – this was from, I believe, my time with Michael. ****   I need to contemplate on this.  For a long time I have… held myself to certain perceptions that if I’m a “good person” then I will behave in certain ways.  Because other people stood by me through rough times, if I didn’t do it for someone else, I’d be a lousy human being… I skyped K tonight and actually burst into tears.  I hate that!  I never do that!  I was trying to be…

  • Call for Questions

    So, Sir got this idea and now he’s really into it.  Sigh.  He’s coming up with questions for me to do a Q & A post.  He thinks it will help me to put some language to aspects of my relationship that I struggle to explain well.  Um, and I know Adele always has questions, so this is her chance to ask them, too.  🙂  I took out the name and email fields, so it’s anonymous. Um…  Sir says he wants me to do these on a few topics (now that he’s had this brilliant idea… sigh…) so you can send a question about anything you want.  If it fits…

  • Prescriptivism – Part 2

    Here’s the other half of my brain (more like a tenth, the first post on this topic was my majority thinking) on prescriptivism, or in other words, pompous language elitists. This is about my personal side of things, which is significantly less important than the social justice aspects, and so really barely qualifies as a gripe next to those.  Nevertheless, some people won’t hear something from one direction, but will from another. This doesn’t happen frequently, but every so often I’ll get someone make some kind of complaint, or joke, or “observation” about the way I use language. I find this… generally… annoying, sometimes both annoying and hilarious. Here’s why.…

  • Prescriptivism – Part 1

    I recently found a most excellent quote on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary website. Many people object to the use of decimate to mean destroy, pointing out that the word originally meant “to reduce by one-tenth.” But this is incorrect: almost every word we use today has moved away from its root meaning. If you object to decimate, you should also make sure that literal is only used to mean “of, relating to, or expressed in letters,” and that’s literally ridiculous. This points to a phenomenon that comes up frequently in everyday interactions between people called “prescriptivism” though I’m sure that the majority of people employing it have no idea what that…

  • Being Normal

      My life has been a long and strange pursuit of “seeming normal.”  I think I’ve gotten good at it at this point.  But it took a long time to learn to hide it this well. I had a psychotic break when I was 16, but I had (undiagnosed) early onset bipolar…symptoms showing shortly after birth, definitive symptoms by 2-years old…  They documented them, but the “early onset” hadn’t yet become psychological knowledge, nor had “bipolar II.”  And so I was undiagnosed, though my childhood was filled with periodic rounds of testing, experiments, trying to deal with these varied symptoms than left my parents feeling frustrated, impotent, and…at times, like…

  • Adulting

    A friend came over today and we had a lovely chat.  Then I was chilling, having dinner with Sir and Sub Brother.  Then I we were watching TV – we just started watching Suits and… it’s pretty good!  Then I was lazily wandering around the house and Sir said, “Hey, don’t you have a class in the morning?” FUCK! So I just spent the last twenty minutes madly running around trying to find clothes (ONE clean bra left, SCORE!), finding my books, charging my laptop, finding my keys, packing a lunch, and trying to decide if I had to do laundry. And now I have to go to bed so…

  • Facelift!

    You probably noticed already, but I changed the theme on my blog last night.  I just got a wild hair and needed to update.  I did try to change the color scheme to something less cheerful, but it froze and wouldn’t save, so… yellow it is.  Sir says it’s good to have some things in my life that aren’t black or grey.  I don’t have that much black or grey stuff! Anyway…  There’s also a new feature at the bottom of each post – Reaction Emojis!  Sorta like Facebook, I’m not sure why there’s not a “funny” emoji, but there’s some other ones. I’ve also been mad writing posts to…