
So, technical issues and a hacking vulnerability necessitated a bunch of technical crap on the back end of my site and as a result I may have deleted some of the “followers” to this blog.  I re-established most of them, but if you were a subscriber and stumble across this message and didn’t get an email update telling you about it, you may need to renew your subscription…  Sorry!  :



  • Adele Villemez

    I got the notification, so I have been reestablished – thanks! Then I came out here to see this and I missed some posts so I get to read three or four at once. Kind of a fun surprise actually. 🙂


    • Shadow

      Thanks for letting me know, Adele. I realized I lost a whole bunch of things (functionality-wise) when I had to wipe and re-up the whole system. I’ve been piecing them back together bit by bit but it took me several days to realize most of it and I probably haven’t caught it all yet. I’ll probably be finding bits and pieces for a while. Kind of like glitter… Never have sex while wearing glitter… you’ll be finding that shit in odd places for weeks!

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