
Nobody tell Sir… I just spent an hour on Fetlife.  No, I didn’t talk to anyone, no I didn’t go in any groups, no I didn’t read any threads or check any profiles.  I was looking at my old writings that I had posted there.  I had remembered a couple I thought to copy and paste here so I’d have them in one place, then I got caught up in reading… my own writing… It’s been years, and I hadn’t looked at it in so long there were essays there I’d forgotten I’d written.

And in forgetting they were mine, I actually realized that they were fairly well written.

Then I thought, I wonder what happened to me that reduced my writing skills so drastically (fromt then to now).

Then I wondered… OMG, is it true or am I in the matrix???  Maybe I write just as well as I used to, but I can’t see it.  I only see differences in quality, but they don’t actually exist.

And then my brain pretzeled out with…  MAYBE I wrote better then because I was less worried about how well I was writing, and now I am so worried about writing well that I write LESS well than I did when I was just ranting on Fetlife!

Omaze chris pratt surprise dinosaurs mind blown GIF

By the way (SIR!) I deactivated my account again.

I decided I didn’t have the mental energy to figure out which writings I want to migrate right now, but I know what’s there, now, so I can go back and snag them later if I want to.

I also realized something else.  When I was on Fetlife, I spent a lot of time in discussion groups, which meant I was basically composing mini-expository essays (or not so mini) on topics multiple times a day.

I don’t do that anymore.

It probably kept my hand in.

Also, the monthly “Hey, share your writing!” post from my friend on Facebook came around again today.

Some people shared blogs.

I shared nothing.  Because… closet.

But I realized that I couldn’t even share this blog if I wanted to because it’s not a “real” blog.  It doesn’t have a focus, it doesn’t have targeted articles, it’s just me brain-dumping in big messy piles.

So… yeah… judgment, with a side of judgment.  I’m good at judgment.

Then I start thinking about how I could change it, and make it “real.”

And then I think about how I could change… me

And I start planning in my head…

I look up other BDSM blogs…

Think about things I could write…

And ignore the cold, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.  The feeling that I should learn to listen to.  The feeling that tells me I’m losing myself.

Always losing myself… trying to be somebody else.



  • Stephanie

    Humans are so funny. I’ve been admiring your blog vs mine because yours is meaty. It’s talking about real things. Stuff that you need to say and my blog is feels like a diary but not in a personal way, but just in a “here’s stuff we did” way. So while you’re pointing at other blogs, “I should be more like that.” I’m pointing at yours, saying the same thing! Silly humans.

    • Shadow

      LOL, I always think your blog is so much better than mine because it’s so much more cheerful and positive, and you have photos and it always just makes me smile. I’m all navel-gazing and depression… :p

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