Submissive moment of the day

So… for my few loyal followers who I know (one of you at least) would like a little more in the details department (I’m shy!  Seriously!  Why is everyone laughing??) a little tidbit.

I’m supposed to be in bed right now.  Sir just had a conversation with me about it, and I’m not staying up all night, again, I promise Sir!  🙂

But I’m going to just share a little tiny bit that I don’t think Sir will mind me sharing (I haven’t had a chance to discuss with him what I’m allowed to blog about… though he probably figures I’m bound plenty by my shyness so he doesn’t have to worry about it… :P)

Sir, as Sir is wont to do, yesterday asked me to write down everything I was thinking.

I, of course, being privy to all that I was thinking, immediately thought, “Oh… that’s not a good idea…” and said a somewhat more respectful version to Sir.

Sir’s response:  “Are you saying that there is a part of you that I don’t have a right to?”

My heart and belly did a little synchronized flutter.  I slid a little lower in my chair.

“No, Sir.”

And I realized as I said it that I meant it, and it felt like a line of tumblers fell into place, aligning down my body from brain, to heart, to clit…


I wonder if he knows how perfect those moments are…




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