
  • Writing Ideas

    I’m going to make this a sticky post so it will stay at the top of my blog all the time so I can add to it (and other people can throw things at it, too).  Adele suggested that I create a set of “ready made” theme type ideas that I can write about when I’m stuck for writing.  I like this idea and I’m going to start making a list for myself in this post.  I’ll add to it as I get more ideas.  If anyone has any ideas to throw out, feel free to put a comment.  I won’t always add your idea to my list (I’m ridiculously…

  • Social Media and Creativity

    I’m already hating my year commitment.  Clearly I was right and a week was way too long a commitment to make. Sigh. Today was an okay day… But I think I’m just done with the school year.  I’m going to pretend that’s what’s going on and this isn’t a larger, systemic problem… I just realized I lost my water glass between the kitchen and the office…  And this is my life. I found it in the bedroom.  Apparently I very carefully (with a coaster, even) set it out on the bed stand in the room I was planning to NOT be in for the next hour.  I’m sure sub brother…

  • Kids…

    So, a friend sent me a great idea today, she said (since I can’t manage prompts) maybe have some themed posts that I can fall back on like “Moments with Sir” that I kind of have going.  Another of her suggestions was “Kids say the Darnedest Things” or something along those lines. I realized that I specifically avoid talking about my job or students on this blog because… I feel weird combining them with… my sex life.  Which maybe is weird and paranoid.  And, of course, I’m not combining them.  They are two separate topics which both happen to exist as a part of my life. Yet I feel weird…

  • Of Two Minds

    I have to be quick tonight because I’m running late and only have fifteen minutes to write. I’m running late because a ridiculous number of incidents occured resulting in me not leaving work until 5 (I start at 7), coming home, eating dinner, then talking to my mom on the phone for an hour and a half… Which is fine… But it messed up my whole evening schedule. So, I asked Sir to exempt me from my writing tonight (he’s in lockdown over our routines lately after me freaking out so thoroughly – and it’s been helping… but still…) He contemplated it because… I have good reasons.  I had a…

  • Swallowing my Voice

    Day 5 of my personal write every day challenge.  Only 360 days to go…. I know that writing every day is supposed to be the only way to train your brain to write every day… on demand… because it becomes habit and ritual and expectation. But it sucks.  I’m tired of it.  Already.  I feel like I have nothing to write.  I tried to do a writing prompt (post set to private) and it was so miserable and contrived, I took an hour to write 6 lines… and I hate it (thus set to private) and I’m depressed.  Apparently I just can’t write to prompts.  At all. I feel like…

  • Settling

    Last night was, obviously, rough, but I talked to several good friends today and it felt so good to just… to reach out… and meet outstretched hands in return.  It is still alien to me to share my feelings, to accept compassion, to… talk about… my real self.  But it was positive and healing, and for those people and others who are probably wondering, I thought I would update today.  Also, I’m trying to challenge myself to write every day.  Writing a journal/blog post isn’t exactly my ideal of “writing every day” but I suppose when my baseline is “writing never” I will have to accept that any bar at…

  • Toxic to Humans

    Sir made me erase and start over.  I’m getting annoyed with him.   He says that’s a good thing because I’m calming down…  He should be thrilled with me right about now, then… So… fucking blog post for Sir. Ryan once wrote a blog post that he titled Toxic to Humans.  He said his disease made him incompatible with other human beings.  He’s right.  He and I have the same disease… I hurt someone today because… because I did something I shouldn’t have done.  And I tried to fix it, but when you say something that hurts someone you can’t really fix it. And then… because of that, that hurt…

  • Perspectives

    I finished another school year.  Thank god!  It was a better year than last year.  And my transition (I am famously terrible at transitions) has not been terrible.  I glitched slightly today, but Sir made me stand in the corner (“meditate”) which is his new thing, not as punishment, just as sensory deprivation and forcing me to do some kind of meditation practice.  

  • Saving the shit…

    Things have been going rapidly to fertilizer around these parts.  I’m losing my shit.  Sub brother got horribly sick (like in bed for ten days) and barely back on his feet and behind at work… and losing his shit.