Penis Issues
I was traveling in Europe this summer and on a random stoplight housing, someone had stuck a penis sticker (a sticker in the shape of a penis). Â And it made me think about how often the penis is used as a symbol… of vandalism, of power, of intimidation… I was watching a strange show on Amazon last night, a remastered TV show from communist Romania – government produced and all kinds of communist propagandist… so very interesting. Â At one point one of the cops is trying to bully his way into the American embassy and the secretary insists he must sign in in a book. Â So he draws a crude…
Bad Week
It’s Friday night. Â Sir came home a little while ago with K and J. Â I got sent upstairs to do my blog. Â I’m irritated about that. Â And I’m irritated at the power dynamic in the house right now. Â I’m trying to tell myself that I’m projecting because I’m pissed off about a power dynamic at work. Â But I’m STILL pissed off at home, projection or no! And I’m pissed at K, which isn’t good. Â He and I can push each other’s buttons and… hey… I just realized I’m the only one besides his daughter that can really push his buttons. Â I’m not sure if that’s anything to be proud of.…
Prescriptivism – Part 2
Here’s the other half of my brain (more like a tenth, the first post on this topic was my majority thinking) on prescriptivism, or in other words, pompous language elitists. This is about my personal side of things, which is significantly less important than the social justice aspects, and so really barely qualifies as a gripe next to those. Â Nevertheless, some people won’t hear something from one direction, but will from another. This doesn’t happen frequently, but every so often I’ll get someone make some kind of complaint, or joke, or “observation” about the way I use language. I find this… generally… annoying, sometimes both annoying and hilarious. Here’s why.…
Prescriptivism – Part 1
I recently found a most excellent quote on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary website. Many people object to the use of decimate to mean destroy, pointing out that the word originally meant “to reduce by one-tenth.” But this is incorrect: almost every word we use today has moved away from its root meaning. If you object to decimate, you should also make sure that literal is only used to mean “of, relating to, or expressed in letters,” and that’s literally ridiculous. This points to a phenomenon that comes up frequently in everyday interactions between people called “prescriptivism” though I’m sure that the majority of people employing it have no idea what that…
Presumption – Rant
There’s a phenomenon I have observed in the kinkyverse. Â In my observation it disproportionately (though not exclusively) affects men (of the dominant persuasion) rather than women (of the dominant persuasion), and it is one of those hot buttons that instantly makes me clench up and want to punch someone in the face. Â Fortunately, Sir has the same reaction. Â He wouldn’t have me if he didn’t. Here is what it is. A woman who presents as a submissive female (or sometimes even a switch), with a male dominant partner. Â Another male dominant will say to the male partner, “You know what you should do…” or “You know if she was MY…
Out of Fucks
I’m tired. Â Really really really tired. I had planned a part 2 for my Manic post from yesterday… but… Â I have run out of fucks to give, so it’s not happening. I’m also so out of fucks that I am sitting in front of this blog just pissed off and don’t know why I committed to writing. Â Why I even want to write. Â Or what the purpose is for me of doing any of this. Nobody cares.
There was another shooting today. It’s just this thing we do here in the United States. You might expect this in, you know, a developing nation, a nation torn by warfare and civil strife, or… the United States. Currently the little news I’ve been given access to (Sir declared no screen time for the majority of the day) is celebrating how both sides of the aisle (Democrats and Republicans) and even the current president have been calling for unity, remembering our shared humanity, etc.
Have you tried…? Rantiness
I didn’t know what I was going to write about tonight. Â I’m really exhausted. Â The dysphoric state passed and today was… Â functional. Â Not terrible. Â I didn’t have a lot of energy, but I got a few things done and didn’t feel utterly miserable the whole day. Â So… win? Â But my brain is literally exhausted and creativity is a non-starter tonight. Then I just checked Facebook while I was sitting here not writing and a friend, who is a very lovely and well-intentioned person, said something that pisses me off. Â And I KNOW I’ve done it to other friends, so I really shouldn’t be pissed off… it’s almost a natural response,…
First, if my brother brings up… in the last two weeks of the school year… one more time… how I’m so much better off than people working “other” jobs because I get summers off… There WILL BE BLOOD!!!!!!! Sir had to take the fucking phone away from me today while I was talking to my brother. Â He hung up. Â I had to go for a walk and do breathing exercises before I was allowed to even TEXT my brother back and say my phone had died.