Shit Getting Real

I had an appointment with my doctors, both of them together, ’cause that’s just how awesome I am.  My male doctor was actually really nice today… he was kind, supportive, respectful, went out of his way to tell me how hard I’ve been working and how I deserve to get well and that none of this is my fault…

He just got back from vacation.

Maybe he needs to take more of them.

In less awesome news…  I’m… It was not a good news appointment.

The only good news is that there is a positive result on my staph colony test.  Which means I have a new staph colony.  It’s multiple antibiotic resistant.  I had it before and had to do two months of treatment to clear it.  It was cleared, now it’s back.  There are multiple possibilities for how that happened.  Some of them are very bad, like… I could have a staph infection in the bones in my mouth, which would be the reason that the infection in my sinus cavity went away from the topical antibiotics, but came back again.  This is good news only because it explains why all my other treatments haven’t been working for the past year.

I have to get a special cat scan to see if there is infection in my bones.  And if there is, depending on the location and the seriousness, the treatment could be very heavy antibiotics for months and potentially removal of teeth and possibly bone.

Sir is pointing out that it could also have come back because I was exposed to mold in my mom’s house last Thanksgiving…  or my dog could be a carrier…  or my school building or our house could have mold…

But, I just keep hearing major surgery and removal of teeth and bone…

We have to find the cause, but also treat the infection, so… that means I’m basically starting over where I was a year ago…  going back on heavy antibiotics, bile binders, and mad amounts of thyroid medicine because the binders bind that, too…  I have to get blood tests every other week.  I have to get all kinds of complicated lab tests and procedures done in the next month…

I have to do hormone therapy because the disease and my genetic disorder have made the perfect storm and crashed my endocrine system.  Between jacked hormones and the staph toxins, at least I know now why my muscles burn from any weight-bearing activity…  I’m now medically restricted from any weight-bearing activity.

I have to meet with both my doctors every three weeks to review my blood work and dosages…

I have to teach tomorrow.  I have to meet kids tomorrow.

I feel… anxious and afraid.

Sir has been worried.

I’ve been brushing him off, telling him I’m fine.

I was wrong.




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